Before leave the house, things that help boost their confidence Many in terms of dressing. You can’t escape high heels. Because many girls, if they don’t wear it, they may feel insecure about themselves because. High heels are not only worn for beauty. It also helps to quickly enhance your personality to stand out. For many who want to wear high heels but are unsure about wearing them for fear of hurting the soles of their feet. or many things, Recommends trying changing from avoidance to coping. Do not let your feet hurt from It’s better to wear high heels.

Choose the size that best fits your feet.
Choosing the right shoe size for your feet is a basic matter for choosing any type of shoe. Whether it’s sneakers, moccasins, sandals, and high heels as well. We should choose the size that best fits our feet. Not too loose or too tight, because if it’s loose when walking, it may slip or fall off. And if it’s too tight, when walking, your feet may be uncomfortable and there may be a risk of shoe bites. Most importantly, you should choose to buy shoes in the evening. Because the evening is the time when the feet expand the most. Report by ทางเข้า ufabet
Increase height little by little .
New girls, suddenly going to wear extremely high high heels is something that should not be done. Because beginners like us are not yet accustomed to shoes with high heels that may cause our feet to sprain and cause injury. Therefore, you should start wearing them at a height of about 1-2 inches first to allow your feet to gradually adjust until they are used to this height. So I gradually changed to wearing higher heels. You should also avoid wearing stilettos. Because it makes it difficult for us to balance. Therefore, wear a slightly thick heel.
Wear it with an ankle strap and an additional sole in front.
Although ankle straps may make women’s legs look big, beginners should wear them like this for safety. Because the strap will help hold the shoe and ankle together. This ensures that when walking, it will definitely not fall off or slip. In addition, choosing high heels with a platform or with an additional sole in front. It will help reduce impact force, reduce the slope, making it more comfortable to wear and easier to walk.
Choose high heels that have the right distance from the floor to the heel.
For this matter, we believe that many people do not know. that we should choose high heels that have a distance between the sole and the heel that is not too narrow Because if the distance is too small The slope of the shoe sole will be greater. Makes us uncomfortable to wear Plus it’s more difficult to walk. Therefore, the appropriate and best distance is 3 centimeters. In addition, the shoe soles must gradually slope upwards not a straight line It will make us more comfortable to wear.
Walk with heels first.
The correct way to walk in high heels is: You should take a full step with your leg, just like when we walk normally. Do not step too long or too short. When walking, keep your legs straight, do not bend your knees, and walk on your heels first. Then follow with the toes. The important thing is to walk slowly, don’t rush because you may fall.
Stand with your back straight.
When wearing high heels, standing straight is the best position. Because it helps maintain balance and reduces pressure on the spine. Importantly, standing straight will put your weight on your back and heels. If you put your weight forward it will make you feel like you are falling.